Sunday 23 November 2014

365 project

So after writing my last post I realized that I didn't explain what a "365 photo challenge" even is! (Silly me!) I'm sure there's some of you who may have thought "ok, what is that?!" So simply put, a 365 project is when you commit to taking one photo a day for a whole year. Sometimes people will do this with their phones, but I'm going to be doing mine with my Canon - to get some more practice! So I'm also going to be lightly editing all the photo's I take for this as well, to get more practice in that area too. I hope that I've gotten rid of any questions you may have had regarding that. Sorry for not explaining myself better!

So in a few of the pictures you may notice that me and Jeff were painting! (ok, so it was mostly Jeff) That's because we were! Our bathroom previously was a mixture of dark and light browns, but now it's been totally transformed! We went to Canadian Tire with a spontaneous decision to paint the bathroom, and we came out with some painting equipment and a can of Royal Wedding paint! So now, our bathroom is a lovely fresh and clean blue/green colour! We love it. Doing little things like that are what slowly make a place feel more like "home", and we love that feeling. 

Can't believe I've added another post already! I'm on a roll!! Here's some more of my 365 project, enjoy!!!


DAY 5 


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