Saturday, 29 August 2015

(part one) #summerinlacrete part 2

Well, that went by fast! All of a sudden we were in LaCrete, and just as quickly we were gone. It was a fabulous summer, and we had a ton of fun! It's amazing, though, how the summer can seem so long when you think of the very first things that happened, or little memories that were made along the way! Those fun little gems are what made the summer really enjoyable for me. 
So instead of going through exactly what happened this summer (because "ain't nobody got time for that")- I'll kind of categorize some photos of the summer,  and write a little blurb about what happened!

One of the last weekends in May Jeff and I got to go camping with George and Christina and their beautiful little family! We had so much fun just hanging out and having good conversations with them, fishing, and just playing with Tyler and Talia! Camping with family is always super lovely! 

I'll post some more little events like this soon! 


Monday, 1 June 2015

greenhouse loving

A while back I had the privilege of taking some photos of my sister-in-law, Diana! For some reasons greenhouses just pull on my heart strings so much. I think it's just the combination of  things I love: bright colours, stunning lighting, and flowers! After we had gone out there for Mother's Day flower shopping I knew instantly that I needed to come back to this greenhouse and take some photos! A little while later, Diana and I drove out to the greenhouse and had a ton of fun! It was super lovely. I made sure to bring along my floppy hat and some flower crowns because- why not?! I had edited these photos a while back, but totally forgot to do anything with them until Diana reminded me about them yesterday- and I'm so glad she did! 
Hope you enjoy some of the photos from our shoot!


p.s. i'm looking to get some more experience with my camera this summer, so if you're looking for someone to take some photos for you- let me know! xo

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

crushin' since day 1

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you would've seen that I recently posted a photo of Jeff and I! Every once in a while Jeff and I will take our camera and a tripod and take some photos on self timer! I sometimes have to convince Jeff a little bit, but once we're out taking pictures he really enjoys himself! 
Yesterday we finally went out and took some! It was a ton of fun!! So, since I think they turned out pretty great, I figured I would share them with all of you! (I'll potentially be posting them on Facebook as well yet.) 

Crushing as hard on this guy as I was on day 1. 


p.s. kissing pictures ahead!! 
p.s.s. enjoy the lovely family photo at the bottom with the cat that came and joined us. Haha!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

& it begins

Funny, it felt like the day we would drive to LaCrete would never come. Then BAM, it was here. But I suppose that's how almost anything is, you keep thinking you have all the time in the world until the day actually comes and you're scrambling around just hoping you're not forgetting anything. BUT all is well! We made it here safe and sound, It's amazing though, we've only been here for a little over a week but we've been getting stuff done! Game nights with friends, hanging out with family, all that good stuff. Jeff was even able to go skeet shooting yesterday, he was on cloud nine!! (Some things are just a tad more accessible out in the country!) 
Overall work has been really good for both me and Jeff! He had been waiting for his work computer to come in all week, so Jeff didn't do a ton- but he's been enjoying work so far! And I've been actually doing a lot of subbing since we got here! It's been fun. I went into it being pretty nervous, just because I really didn't know what to expect, but it's actually super enjoyable! However, it is a bit intimidating when you go into a grade 7 classroom and like 80% of the students are taller than you. 
Also, my dad came up for some work business this past weekend as well, so that was super lovely. We had some solid hang out time with him while he was up! Also, this past Saturday me, Jeff's mom, sisters, and the nieces went out to a greenhouse to pick up some plants! It's kind of a tradition for them, so it was so nice! I didn't, bring along any money for flowers (because i wouldn't really have a place to put them), but I had brought along my camera! It was a super lovely greenhouse, I love how the photos from there turned out!! So that's basically all thats been going on for us up here! I'll post some photos of the drive and of some things we've been up to below!

and so begins #summerinlacrete part 2!

p.s. since it's Mother's Day I'll start off the photos with my two momma's!! 

So here's photo's from our drive up north, and some La Crete things so far!